So the line work stuff is coming. Coming along, working out nicely, whatever you want to call it.
Line work is something that I'm quite familiar with. Line work and me go way back. We're like practically soul-mates or something. So when we were tasked with a line work project, I practically squealed with excitement at the prospect of working in ye old lines.
So, my basic idea was to do this. In my first drawing, I have my face with solid shading. Solid shading is similar to cel-shading but not quite. They're often mixed with each other subtly or otherwise to create a dramatic effect in comics and and animated film. In this case, it creates an extremely graphic looking image.
My second drawing, which isn't finished (yet) will have hatching, or so I'm planning. Knowing how me and plans go, (we don't go way back, and I think planning hates me) I don't know if that's what the finished product will be or not. I guess we'll have to see!
I may post images later. Whatever floats my boat.
hope to see it soon... you know what they say, picture is worth 1000 words... :)